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Ancient knowledge of mankind
Vedanta literally means ‘the end of the Vedas’. The Vedas are mankind’s oldest scripture, containing the wisdom of all ages. The last part of the Vedas is made up of the Upanishads, whose sublime philosophy is called Vedanta and which have strongly influenced great Western philosophers such as Arthur Schopenhauer.
To recognise Absolute Existence...
Vedanta is one of the six main systems of Indian philosophy. Its beliefs are non-dualistic. It declares that liberation cannot be reached by means of rituals, actions or charity. The goal of Vedanta is knowledge of Brahman (Absolute Existence) which is beyond the illusion (Maya) of the world and of one’s own mind. This ultimate reality lies beyond the realms of the limited intellect and the manifest world.
... and realise It
The philosophy of Vedanta represents an ideal which can be achieved through the practical methods of yoga. Vedanta says that, in essence, we and the Supreme Self are one. It reminds us of our true nature. A common Self or Consciousness dwells in each one of us. Thus Vedanta tells us to overcome the feeling of individuality, the belief in ‘me’ and ‘mine’. Instead, we should identify with the eternal, effulgent essence – to see the Self within us and in all beings. Vedanta teaches the unity of life and the unity of consciousness.